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Homage to Fangtooth

Fangtooth the Murloc, Community Manager for Blizzard Entertainment, graced the World of Warcraft forums for (I believe) nearly a year before mysteriously moving on.  His thankless job was to manage we unruly players and posters, to be the bearer of bad news, to answer gamer questions as best he could, and to bring us information about new content.  It is my judgment and that of the community a large that he did these jobs with aplomb and great humor, while delivering the occasional well-deserved forum troll beat-down much to the cheering of we (mostly) non-trolls.  The following is a short series of messages from the Albatros Bits community to our titular Murloc, thanking him for performing his thankless job and wishing him luck in the moving-up or -out.

Albatros, Author:

Fang, you were the inspiration for this project, and it's been one of the most fun projects I've ever undertaken.  You helped me out with it in some really cool ways, you know what I'm talking about (::really annoying obvious wink::) and I really appreciated it.  You've got a great impy sense of humor, and I hope that it carries you along wherever you are.  Don't change, amigo!

Slinken, forum hound:
All hail to the all powerful Murloc!

Alec, forum hound:
Thanks for keeping the forums (mostly) troll free!

Alebak, unregistered forum hound:
Thanks for putting up with my innane rabblings on the OT forums! we'll miss you dude!

Fat Squirrel, forum squirrel:
Fare thee well Murloc. I would bow if my expansive girth allowed it.

Nevlonniel, forum muse:
Fangtooth, I wish you the best. You will be sorely missed! I think it was you that made me to fully appreciating the Murloc. Not a day goes by that I don't bring out my Murky and think of you. Thanks for all you have done for the WoW community.

Mortarman178, forum hound:
no why oh why fang did you have to leave Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad well good luck and safe times

Sliva, forum hound:
We'll miss you Fangtooth! Wish you Good Luck in everything you do!

Heloly, forum ninja:
Fang, I may have been a forum lurker; usually posting things with Palehoof's cynicism, but without his regularity and eloquence, but I knew thee well and shall miss your ever-changing signiture and your habitual third-person responses.... *Sniffle* I still remember when Cay hit you witha stuffed forum troll! WAAAAAAAGH!!!! Crying or Very sad


OK... S'all good, s'all good... I will miss you, my favorite candy-bar ingredient... Yum... Murloc bars... Wink

*Begins to tear into a box of Murloc Bars™*

Farsider, forum hound:
All the best wishes for whatever life has in store for you. Your contribution to the community has been indelible and unforgettable. It goes without saying that you will be missed.

Koopasa, forum poet:
O good murloc I fare thee well!
You gave pallys and priests a scare!
Your new pasture I hope is swell!
Always remember how you made Warlocks swear!

Cya Fang!!! I wish Good Luck!
People called names and were gruff!
I never trolled and said you suck!
Let me know if I can have your stuff!

(I'll miss ya man! Wink)

Hederahelix, forum hound:
Best wishes on the new project; we will miss your erudite messages and the occasional partying in WOW, even when we didn't believe that it was really you.

Guest, forum n00b:
Fang - one time you locked me, and you were sarcastic. it hurt at the time, but later on I realized it was the best thing for both of us.


Bradin, forum hound:
FANG I LOVE U!!!!!! and wut could be greener than blizzard?????
u helped make WoW A GREAT game have fun and good luck

Ulkarr, forum hound:
Fang, firstly, thank you for putting up with all the crap from some of our felow gamers for so long. Secondly, Your antics and attitude were funny and serious when they needed to be. And they made my day at times. Your work enriched the experiance of Wow so much that your reputation as THE Murloc is well deserved.

Good luck with your future enterpises, and thanks again.

Keep doing your thing, Fang, and I hope you stay in touch with all the various communities you inspired (but mostly this one =]).  Best of luck, and, we'll always have Paris!

If anyone wishes to add their own faretheewell to Fangtooth, go hit up the forum thread which I made for that purpose.

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