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Poor Poland
Tuesday, November 29, 2005 - 7:30 PM

There’s a saying in the world of European History that you haven’t really exerted yourself on the world stage until you’ve invaded Poland.  The reason is that everyone’s done it – Russia, Germany, the Greeks (probably), hell, even France went through there once – and the reason for that is that Poland is really flat and it’s really easy to get from one side of it to the other.  I always sort of thought that in modern-day warfare, with high-tech precision strikes and airplanes nuclear weapons and all, Poland’s big disadvantages would become kind of moot.

But, according to some papers recently released by Poland’s newly-elected, conservative government (funny story about that), the Warsaw Pact nations had a pretty good idea of what a cold war nuclear holocaust across Eurasia would look like – with Poland, of course, getting “all but wiped off the face of the Earth”.

The current defense minister, Radek Sikorsky, called seeing the included map for the first time a “personally shattering experience”.  Sorry, Poland, but looks like no matter how much the science of human warfare advances, they’ll always find a way to include you guys at ground zero.

Incidentally, I got this amusing nuclear tidbit off of a cool site that a friend of a friend is developing – an “interactive news site where you select the top stories and share your views about the day's events.”  It seems like it’s going in a Google News direction, but – so far, anyway – it’s got more cool stuff and less boring stuff.  Anyway, go check it out, they have news links and some numbers I don’t understand.

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