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Stuff, et al.
Monday, March 13, 2006 - 2:00 AM

Thought of the day: Despite the fact that emergent properties (those which only become apparent with increasing levels of complexity, such as the ability of the brain to generate complex thought), each of those properties are absolutely, undeniably, still taking place on the level of the simplest interactions, such as the simple chemical interaction between two neurons. Writing a property off as "merely emergent" is merely a self-serving, self-protecting way of saying, We don't understand this yet. Possibly, we won't ever.

Yes, it's been that kind of week. Luckily next week is spring break! More on that tomorrow.

Other stuff: Imagine, for a moment, all of the terrible, horrible, embarrassing-to-watch fruit that could be born of a pair of kids deciding to make a Star Wars Light-Saber-Battle Fan Film. Somehow though (and I think it involves the investment of way more free time than I will have this entire year) this film (which matches the preceding description word for word) can only be described as spectacular.

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